Welcome to Kunes Real Estate and Appraisals, Inc., your one stop shop for Real Estate Sales, Appraisals, Leasing, Property Management and Forestry Services in South Georgia. Established in 2005, Kunes Real Estate and Appraisals, Inc. is located in Tifton, Georgia. We are the "Real Estate Professionals You Can Trust".
Our focus is great customer service and we strive to be the most respected real estate company around. If you want a loyal partner for all of your real estate services, you have come to the right place. Our professionals look forward to helping you with your land, residential and commercial real estate needs.
Kunes Real Estate & Appraisals Inc. offers appraisal services for Tifton, Tift County, and surrounding counties. Appraisal fees can be quoted over the phone, so click the "Contact Us" link. Nelson is a certified general appraiser specializing in residential, land, and commercial real estate appraisals and is qualified as an expert witness in Superior Court. He is a Member of the Appraisal Institute, holds the MAI designations, is past President of the Tiftarea Board of Realtors, and is the broker and registered forester for Kunes Real Estate & Appraisals, Inc.
To view real estate property listings, click on "Property Listings" link at the top of the page. For local information, click the "Community" link. This will provide you with helpful information for services in Tifton and Tift County.